
Tuesday, August 9, 2011


It started with a warm and sunny day nah just kidding it started with a cloudy morning and that day was Monday Eight August and that was our second turn in the swimming pool and it was warm in the pool and when we got in the pool and we had fun I was shy to put my head under water and then we had broads to hold on and I was straggling to swim and then Mr Burton called me and he said“blow bubbles under water” and then he said“let your hand go and go deeper”and I did it and he said “use two broads and practice turn around” and I did it then he called all and told us we can have free time and I was excited because I get have more practice and more and then we got waking down stairs back wards and went to change


Monday, August 8, 2011

My holiday

Holiday It was the best day and that day was Saturday 30 July afternoon because when we had lunch we had my favourite sandwich and that was chicken sandwich with that beautiful mayo and the chunky juicy chicken. Then my Mum and Dad went for about seven hours to do my Dad’s work and while they went, we stayed home with Nana. I was making popcorn and we had chips and cookies we had to watch the wiggles because it is my brother’s favourite DVD, I wish it wasn’t his favourite DVD because I don’t like watching it. Finally the seven hours was over. Mum came back and she asked “What’s for dinner?” We shouted “McDonald's”Later on that afternoon my brother, sister and I went to get the food, we ordered seven mac attacks and seven sundaes and the grown ups had the same but no sundaes .When we come back the house was clean. My sister and cousins had cleaned it for us. The last thing we did was eat the food and find our clothes for church. Finally we watched television and the movie that was on was Fat Albert. I enjoyed watching the movie.